TREE Working Paper Series

TREE Working Paper No. 7, May 2024

Sandra Hupka-Brunner, Thomas Meyer
Gegenderte Lebensläufe in der Schweiz: Befunde aus der TREE-Studie
(German with english abstract)

TREE Working Paper No. 6, December 2022

Barbara Wilhelmi
Betriebliche Ausbildungsstrategien zur Berufsmaturität 1
(German, with English abstract)

TREE Working Paper No. 4, February 2020

Benita Combet, Daniel Oesch
The social origin gap in university completion among youth with comparable school abilities in Switzerland

TREE Working Paper No. 2, June 2019

Andrés Gomensoro, Claudio Bolzman
When children of immigrants come of age. A longitudinal perspective on labour market outcomes in Switzerland

TREE Working Paper No. 1, May 2019

Maïlys Korber
How educational track determines wages in early careers. Panel evidence for Switzerland

The TREE Working Paper Series is a new platform for scientific exchange on analyses of the TREE data. Contributions may be submitted in English, German or French. The series welcomes any contribution (topical or methodological) drawing on analyses of the TREE data and satisfying common scientific-empirical standards. Contributions are reviewed by the series' board of editors and digitally published according CC BY 4.0 open access standards. All rights remain fully with the authors. The editors refrain from any claims of first or exclusive publication.

Contributions may be submitted under