
TREE ranges among Switzerland’s most important data infrastructures in the social sciences (see study profile on this site for further detail). Its data belong to the country’s most frequently used panel data sets. Several hundreds of scholars both in Switzerland and abroad have so far worked with the data and published a large number of analyses based on them (see list of publications on this site).
The TREE data are essentially available to all interested scholars. They are accessible online and free of charge at SWISSUbase, the FORS center's data archive (see quicklink below):
Interested in working with TREE2 data?
The present TREE2 dataset includes data from the baseline survey (2016) and the first three panel waves 1-5 (2017 to 2021), as well as detailed episodic data of all educational, labour market and other activities undertaken by the respondents between 2016 and 2021. The data are distributed by the FORS, the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences and can be downloaded here:
For further detail, see our most recent documentation of TREE2's study design:
Hupka-Brunner, S. et al. (2024): TREE2 Study Design. Update 2024. Bern: TREE. doi:
Interested in working with TREE1 data?
In parallel, the data of the first TREE cohort (TREE1), remain of course also available. They include the following elements:
- Dataset of the baseline survey (PISA 2000);
- Wave-specific datasets of 9 panel waves conducted between 2001 and 2014;
- A dataset containing all employment spells recorded between 2003 and 2014 on a month-by-month base. (unit of observation = spell/episode);
- A dataset containing the totality of all educational diplomas the TREE respondents have obtained up to 2014;
- A weighting dataset allowing for correction of sample bias/attrition.
The data from the 10th panel wave conducted in 2019/20 (at average respondent’s age of 35) will be available in 2025.
The data can be downloaded here:
For further detail, see our most recent documentation ("TREE1 project documentation" and "TREE1 concepts & scales")
Should you encounter difficulties with getting access to the TREE data at FORSbase, do not hesitate to contact us ( or +41 31 684 38 23).